Monday, March 9, 2015


Antonio Casillas


1)   One problem that teenagers face that interest me would be drug addiction.

2)   All five things I would like to know about drug addiction:
A.  Could these drug addicts go a day without drugs? It depends on the drug. If its a less addictive drug like Marijuana, then maybe they won’t. But if its a highly addictive drug like cocaine, the user will definitely feel like they need to do it every day. Yes, the user can go a day without any drug, but they just feel the need to do it.
B.  What percentage of the U.S from ages 17-18 years of age have smoked marijuana? 54.1% teenagers from the U.S have smoked Marijuana. That's more than half! So that means that 1 in 2 teens have smoked Marijuana before. That's a really big number knowing that in most states of the U.S. this drug is illegal. This percentage only defines if the user has tried it, not how many times they've don't it. That's still a pretty high percentage.
C.  Do all drug addicts start off small with like Marijuana? Or do they go big right away? Yes, they do. They eventually think that Marijuana doesn't get them high enough and go onto bigger drugs. 57% of users go onto bigger and worst drugs from all the people that have smoked marijuana. Some users, although, stay with the lower drug. Thinking the bigger drug is too much. Although some of these users are just being curious of how the drug will make them feel.
D.  Do alcohol and drugs cause crime? Alcohol and drugs are leading causes of crime among the youth. Especially if they do drugs commonly. Although alcohol is commonly known for being "dangerous" while driving, so is Marijuana. Most people that smoke or drink act a totally different person. Leading to crime-involving activities.
E.   Why do some people become addicted and others don’t? Family genetics, types of
drugs being used, and the age of when you start doing such drugs. If you're grandfather and  dad do these drugs, then you will most likely be born to like those types of drugs. Some people are different from others though. They will like different types of drugs from yourself.
3)   Websites

From my night school class, 16 out of 28 students have tried any type of drug. That is 57%!

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